Agar Ag02 (Film, with Plasticizer)


  • Water (50 mL).

  • Agar agar powder (2 g).

  • Glycerol (1.5 g).


  • Mix all the ingredients into a pan or pot.

  • Heat up all the ingredients to 85-90 C on the stove.

  • Mix thoroughly.

  • Lower heat if bubbles are forming on the bottom of the pan.

  • Take off heat and spread onto a flat surface (glass, acrylic, etc.) after about 4 minutes of stirring or until the agar is fully dissolved (the solution is at least 85 C and thicker than when started).

  • Let dry for a few days on a smooth surface such as glass or silicone.

  • Done!


  • Before drying: like a very thin colorless syrup that's almost milky.

  • After drying: the film was basically Saran wrap, with the exception being that it's super thin and a bit more fragile. Working on making it thicker.


  • If you let dry in a thick layer (about 5mm) it creates a material similar to leather with the same properties and thickness.

  • I spread mine to create Saran wrap by using a specialized spreading device that I made.

Base recipe:

Last updated