Test #4 with Sorbent #1


Notes: My second success! The ppm changed when I lowered it into the water! This proves that MK3 is much better than MK2 (because of the ability to "add" and "remove" water). Unfortunately, the sensor broke partway through, so the test had to stop. I also think my sensor was uncalibrated because the readings were pretty far off from what they should be, seeing as I subjected the chamber with air supplied from indoor air, which has levels of 1000-1500 ppm. This doesn't mean that the sensor can't sense an increase in CO2, though, so I would still label this a success.

Time water added: 9:31

Time water taken away: 9:33

Start ppm: 742

End ppm: 805

Rise ppm: 63 (just in 13 minutes!)

Total time frame: 19 min

Experiment time frame: 13 min

Test chamber: MK3

Last updated