Agar Ag15 (3mm Film, with Plasticizer)

Pretty much Ag12, but thinner


  • Water (60 mL)

  • Agar agar powder (2.5 g)

  • Glycerol (3.5)


  • Mix all the ingredients into a pan or pot

  • Heat up all the ingredients to 85-90 C on the stove

  • Mix thoroughly

  • Lower heat if bubbles are forming on the bottom of the pan

  • Take off heat after about 4 minutes of stirring or until the agar is fully dissolved (the solution is at least 85 C and thicker than when started)

  • Let dry for a few days on silicone or something similar. I used an 11.5 X 16.5 silicone mat. When poured onto my mat, it naturally reached all four corners and was about 3mm thick, though you might need to manipulate it.

  • Done!


  • Before drying: very viscous and brown

  • After drying: thick and less strong than Ag12


  • Same recipe as Ag12 with the same ingredient ratio because I'm trying to find the best casting thickness.

  • Interestingly, at least from just holding the bioplastic in my hand, it seems to be thicker than Ag12. This wouldn't make sense though because of the above statement.

  • Also, oddly, it seems to be much more translucent than Ag11. You can barely see through it. I wonder why this is, and I wish I had taken a greater number of notes so I could have studied it.

  • Very weak compared to the Ag12

  • Elastic

Last updated