Test Chamber MK3
But wait... there's more!
After my results were sub-optimal from my tests, I re-read The Study and determined that to get adequate results, I had to remove the resin 2 minutes after initial wetting. I did this by using a geared DC motor with a little 3D-printed string winder on it. I attached some fishing line to that and then to the packet of resin. When the motor turns, it winds the string up, moving the packet of resin up. When you reverse the polarity of the motor, you can get the motor to spin in the opposite direction, hence unwinding the string and letting the resin be lowered into the water. I just hot glued this mechanism onto the lid of test chamber MK2, made a hole in the lid for the wires, and plugged the hole where the syringe used to be, because we won't be using that anymore.
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