Agar Ag14 (2mm Film, without Plasticizer)
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^ The pink came from the sticky note I stupidly placed on top of it!
Water (50 mL)
Agar agar powder (2 g)
Mix all the ingredients into a pan or pot
Heat up all the ingredients to 85-90 C on the stove
Mix thoroughly
Lower heat if bubbles are forming on the bottom of the pan
Take off heat after about 4 minutes of stirring or until the agar is fully dissolved (the solution is at least 85 C and thicker than when started)
Let dry for a few days on silicone. Remember to pour it in a thin-ish (2mm) film.
Before drying: very viscous and brown
After drying: hard, but brittle "film"
Final thickness: 0.5
I also poured some in like a 3-5mm film to see if it became sort of leathery (it still hasn't dried)
I think I used way too much agar to make a film
It spilt apart when it dried, causing it to fracture and break itself. I presume this is because of the lack of plasticizer.
No flexibility
Severe warping
Moral of the story is to always use plasticizer!