
The estimated cost of this is $150 (only for the materials, not the tools), but if you tinker a lot then you probably have some of this on hand.

Here are some chemicals you're going to need throughout this journey:

Here are some generic items and some materials you'll need:

Here are some tools and equipment needed:

  • Hot glue gun with glue

  • Drill with bits

  • Super accurate scale (0.01g resolution scales are only $20)

  • Slow cooker (I got mine at my library for free for three weeks). Of course, if you're in a real lab, a hot plate would be better, but I'm just making doing with what I have available.

  • Set of small beakers (100-250mL)

  • Pair of nitrile gloves (for handling resin and carbonate)

  • Safety goggles (for the carbonate)

  • Easily cleanable workspace, such as a baking sheet or pan. Things will get messy!

  • Scooping or measuring spoon (a popsicle stick works just fine)

  • Stirring stick (I used a popsicle stick, but a glass rod would be ideal)

Last updated