Agar Ag17 (?mm Film, with Plasticizer)

New approach with a microwave cooking


  • Water (50 mL)

  • Agar agar powder (2 g)

  • Glycerol (3 g)


  • Mix all the ingredients into a microwave-safe beaker.

  • Microwave for about 30 seconds, depending on microwave power.

  • Stir the mixture after being microwaved.

  • Cast onto a flat sheet, and let it spread out. Make sure the casting surface is level.

  • Done!


  • Before drying: Brown goop.

  • After drying: Feels the same as Ag12, but slightly weaker, and contains numerous bumps


  • When heating in a microwave, you will need to heat longer if you use a larger beaker. My beaker was 100 mL and reached 90C in 30 seconds, but a 250 mL beaker reached only 80C in 30 seconds.

  • This is supposed to feel similar to vinyl, but it doesn't, and I don't know why. It is supposed to look clear and be thicker.

  • This recipe is based on work conducted by the Alganyl team. Read their PDF below:

Last updated